AB 1245 - New Employer Requirements - EDD
Assembly Bill (AB) 1245 (Chapter 222, Statutes of 2015) requires all employers to electronically file their employment tax returns, reports, and payments to the Employment Development Department (EDD) beginning January 1, 20171 .
AB 1245, authored by Assembly Member Ken Cooley and sponsored by Small Business California, will be phased in over two years to offer employers ample time to prepare. Employers with 10 or more employees will become subject January 1, 2017, and all other employers will be subject January 1, 2018. AB 1245 contains a provision for a hardship waiver for employers who are unable to file returns, reports, and payments electronically. Employers can enroll now in the EDD
e-Services for Business to fulfill these requirements. No specialized software is required – all you need is access to the Internet and a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The EDD e-Services for Business offers employers more accurate reporting in a secured data environment and online account management tools available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Additional benefits for reporting electronically include:
• Reduces errors that are common with paper forms.
• Protects data through encryption that is safer and more secure than paper forms.
• Provides an automated receipt so employers immediately know their return, report, or payment was received.
• Saves time by saving basic account information for future transactions.
• Allows employers to easily update account information. • Reduces paper and mailing cost.
For more information or technical assistance in making the transition to e-Services for Business,
visit the e-Services for Business website or contact the EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center at 888-745-3886,
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time).
Any employer required under existing law to electronically submit wage reports and/or electronic funds transfer to the EDD prior to January 1, 2017, will remain subject to those requirements.
e-Services for Business to fulfill these requirements. No specialized software is required – all you need is access to the Internet and a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The EDD e-Services for Business offers employers more accurate reporting in a secured data environment and online account management tools available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Additional benefits for reporting electronically include:
• Reduces errors that are common with paper forms.
• Protects data through encryption that is safer and more secure than paper forms.
• Provides an automated receipt so employers immediately know their return, report, or payment was received.
• Saves time by saving basic account information for future transactions.
• Allows employers to easily update account information. • Reduces paper and mailing cost.
For more information or technical assistance in making the transition to e-Services for Business,
visit the e-Services for Business website or contact the EDD Taxpayer Assistance Center at 888-745-3886,
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific Time).
Any employer required under existing law to electronically submit wage reports and/or electronic funds transfer to the EDD prior to January 1, 2017, will remain subject to those requirements.